PC aman apapun Antivirusnya [Rollback RX]

Jangan ada lagi yg tanya ANTIVRUS apa yg bagus ....

antivirus yg bagus itu OTAK KALIAN DIASAH biar ga menjalankan virus dan buka web berisi virus ....
kalo ente suka buka Bokep ya jelas mudah kena virus...

Antivirus boleh yg mana aja Bisa Avast Free kalo ingin Cepat, Bisa Avira Free kalo ingin Kuat, ..

Ga usah pake antivirus premium tapi bajakan gan.... ga ada guna .. bikin susah ...

Antivirus wajib ada namun tidak perlu yg premium namun bajakan TOD

Nih gua kasih software BACKUP system ente ... jadi kalo system ente ERROR atau Kena VIRUS bisa pake Apps ini buat meng UNDO PC ente gan ...

The RollBack Rx data backup software has all the necessary features. This software will run in the background of your computer and take constant “snapshots” of the files you specify. Logs are kept with the snapshots, and there all the information can be recovered. To conserve space you can also delete these snapshots.


The RollBack Rx continuous data backup software can store and secure all kinds of files. From email contacts to photos and videos, RollBack Rx will help you secure all your important information. There are also basic data protection features that will allow you to take a “snapshot” whenever you like.

The RollBack Rx software utilizes a proprietary feature called “snapshots.” The data protection software will take an exact copy of the files and data that you specify. You can also take an exact copy of the entire hard drive. However, this feature will only take entire copies of the data; it does not detect the changes that are made to files. The Genie Timeline Professional continuous data backup software has features that will detect only the changes to files which will help you save time, CPU resources and memory. Also, you can only use this feature to schedule daily backups. There are no options to use the schedule for minute-by-minute updates.

The continuous data backup software has a large variety of features that go above and beyond the Windows System Restore feature. The Windows System Restore can only protect files. RollBack Rx software can backup entire programs, settings and other data. Also, RollBack Rx can restore your entire system, even if Windows fails to start up. The continuous data backup software uses only a small amount of space and data because all the backups are compressed into .zip files.

The beauty of this continuous data backup software is that it runs in the background and requires no effort. It is designed to protect the user from both accidental user errors and attacks on the computer. You can even test software programs and go back to the moment before installation if you don’t like the program. Your computer will run as if there was never any installation. It is an effective uninstall of the program.

Ease of Use:

The RollBack Rx continuous data backup software is relatively easy to use. However, the interface is somewhat cluttered, and it will take some time to get used to the navigation. Along the side of the interface is a toolbar with all the different options. You can take a “snapshot,” set up a scheduled “snapshot” or manage which files you want to backup. Take some time to familiarize yourself with the setup and the interface, and you’ll enjoy your experience with RollBack Rx.


When the RollBack Rx is installed, the drive is automatically encrypted. Even when sharing your documents or backing them up onto an external hard drive, all your information will remain safe when using this software.

Help & Support:

The customer support options offered by the manufacturer are superb. There are email support, toll-free telephone options and even a chat support on the website. The user manual is posted online, and every question we had was answered quickly by contacting the customer service department.


RollBack Rx has an outstanding set of continuous backup features and customer service options. However, there are fewer saving features offered by this software than the Genie Timeline Professional. Also, the interface is slightly complicated and will take some time to get used to navigating. 

Link sedod tanpa virus dari website asli
Version: 9.1

Build: 2696359952

Last Updated: July 18, 2011

Supports Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7 (all 32 and 64 bit versions)

Jamu ga ada virus 100% gan
direct sedod
Jamu jangan diSHARE di blog ya gan... entar akun dropbox gua kena banned gan ....

Jangan digunakan di system yg MULTIBOOT

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